Hey, if you have never bothered scrolled down the side of my blog to see the too-long tag list (as you might be able to tell, I don't use tags in a totally effective manner), it might be because you have better things to do that see what the hell I was writing about when I tagged a post "Sex Dwarves". Well, screw that (not the sex dwarves, unless, that is, you know them and they are down). Here are all of 'em:
"Walter Benjamin's Blog" (1), $2 (1), $700 Billion (2), 1000 (1), 100th Post (1), 12" Single (1), 12345678910 (1), 1964 (1), 20-somethings (1), 2012 (1), 3 train (1), 4.13 Billion Dollars (1), 60 Minutes (1), 9/11 (3), A.N.S.W.E.R. (1), abortion (3), Academics (1), Acropolis (1), Adam Rothstein (1), Adrian Bejan (1), ads (1), Aesthetics (1), Afghanistan (2), AIDS (1), AIG (1), Airships (1), Alan Nairn (1), algorithms (1), Alien (1), Aliens (1), all-model rock band (1), Allerton Avenue (1), America (2), America's Next Top Model (1), American Indians (1), Americans (1), Anaclisis (1), anarchism (2), Anarchists (2), Andre F. Chocron (1), Andrew Lo (1), anger (1), Animals (1), Anime (2), anti-freeze (1), Anti-Oedipus (1), Antiques (1), Apartment (1), Aphex Twin (1), apocalypse (5), Apocalypse of Noah (1), Apple (2), Applications (1), Architectural-fiction (1), Architecture (2), archives (1), Argumentation (1), Armenian Genocide (1), art (5), Art Taylor (1), As'ad AbuKhalil (1), Asia (1), ask.com (1), Athens (1), Atlantic Monthly (1), Atrocities (1), Aubier (1), Austin Mini (1), authenticity (1), Authors (4), auto industry (1), Autobots (1), Bad Attitude (1), Baghdad (1), Baguettes (1), Bailout (1), Baltimore (1), Bank of America (1), banks (2), Barre (2), Bataille (1), Battles (1), Battleship (1), Baudrillard (1), Bear Deluxe (1), Beatles (1), Beer (2), Belt Buckle (1), beta-test (1), bible (1), Bigots (2), Bill Moyers (1), Bill of Rights (1), biology (1), black (1), black-tie (1), Blackstone (1), Blade Runner (2), blogging (4), blogosphere (1), blogs (3), Blue Monday (1), Blue-ray (1), Boing Boing (1), BoingBoing (1), Book Forum (1), Book of Enoch (1), books (2), Boops and Bleeps (1), Boris Yeltsin (2), Boston Strangler (1), Brassai (1), breakdown (1), Broadway (1), Bronx (1), Broshaq (1), Bruce and Stephanie M. Tharp (1), Bruce Sterling (4), Brute Press (6), Bugs Bunny (1), Bullshit (1), Business (2), C-17 Kabul (1), C-Batteries (1), Cake (1), Calculated Risk (2), Campan (1), Camus (1), Cannibalism (1), Capitalism (7), Care Bears (1), Careers (1), Cartoons (4), Cassettes (1), Cathedrals (1), cats (1), CCTV (2), Cenobites (1), charity (1), Charles Manson (1), Chicago (1), chickens (2), Chief Justice (1), chinos (1), Cho Seung-Hui (1), cholera (1), Christian Science Monitor (1), Chuck Palahniuk (3), Cincinnati (1), Cities (1), Civil Rights (1), Claremont Cottage (1), Cloud (1), cold war (2), colonialism (1), Colorado (1), colors (1), Columbia River (1), coming correct (1), Commerce (1), Commodities (3), Communication (1), Commuting (1), Computer (1), Computers (1), Concrete (1), Conduits (1), confessions of a teenage anarchist (1), Congress (1), Congressional Budget Office (1), conservatives (1), conspiracy (2), constitution (1), constructal law (1), Construction (2), consumerism (1), context (1), cooking (1), Cooperative Research (2), Corporations (1), corpses (2), Cory Doctorow (1), Counting (1), Country-Western Music (1), Cover Songs (1), Craigslist (1), Creativity (1), crusade (1), crying (1), Culture (1), cupcakes (1), cyborgs (3), Dada (1), Daft Punk (1), Dan McNeill (1), Dance (1), Darfur (1), DARPA (1), Dave (1), Dave Rader (1), de Beauvoir (1), death (1), death drive (1), death penalty (2), debt (2), Decepticons (1), DeCSS (1), Deejay Gonzo (2), Deleuze and Guattari (1), Delphi (1), democracy (2), Democracy Now (1), democrats (2), Denver (1), Denver Nuggets (1), derivatives (1), Derrida (2), design (4), desire-production (1), Dialogue (1), Dick Cheney (1), Digg.com (1), digital photography (1), digitality (2), Dinosaurs (1), disasters (1), disease (1), disengagement (1), Disney (2), DJ (1), DMCA (2), Dogs (2), Donald Duck (1), doom (2), Dostoyevsky (1), drug legalization (1), drugs (1), DSM (1), due process (1), DVD player (1), East vs. West (1), Economics (5), Economy (11), Editor (1), Eichmann (1), elasticity (1), elected officials (1), elections (3), Electro (1), Eluard (1), emotion (1), employment (1), Encyclopaedia Metallum (1), Endorsement (1), entitlement (1), Epochs (1), Erik Davis (2), Europe (1), evening (1), Exchange (1), exchange value (1), executive branch (1), Factory occupations (1), Fascism (4), Fashion (2), FDIC (1), Federal Reserve (3), Felix Guattari (1), feminism (1), Fiction (3), Figment (1), Films (1), fire (3), Floppy Disk (1), Flurb (1), font (1), Forms (1), Foundation Series (1), Frank Zappa (1), Fremont Bridge (1), Fresh (1), Freud (1), Frontline (1), FT Alphaville (1), functionality (1), Futurism (3), Futurist Architecture (1), Futurist Painting (1), G.I. 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Greece (1), logic (2), London (1), Louis Armstrong (1), love (2), LSD (1), Lucretius (1), Luddites (1), Lux Interior (1), Lyndon B. 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Rex (1), tactics (1), tags (1), Tainted Love (2), TARP (3), taxi (1), Techno (1), Technology (6), Teddy Ruxpin (2), Telekinesis (1), television (2), Temp Agency (1), Tennessee Valley Authority (1), Terrence McKenna (1), Terror (2), Terrorism (1), tetragrammon (1), Tetris (1), text (4), The 80s (3), The Brutalitarian (1), The Dalles Dam (1), the death of books (3), the future (5), The Grey Album (1), The Guardian (1), The Independent (1), The Internet (4), The Nation (1), The New York Review of Books (2), the news (1), The Outfield (1), the rapid half-life of internet humor (1), the Shaft (1), The Syndicate (1), THE system (1), the war (5), Theater (1), Theory (3), thesis (3), Thomas Lauzon (1), Thomas Pynchon (2), Thoughts (1), TI-83 (1), tie (1), time and space (1), Times Literary Supplement (1), Times Square (1), Tivo (1), TNT (1), To Kill a Mockingbird (1), Today (1), Tom Davis (1), tortoise (1), Trailfire (1), Train (1), Transformers (3), Traveling (1), Tron (1), Tron 2 (1), Trotsky (1), truth (2), Turing Test (1), Turkey (1), TV (2), Twitter (4), typeface (1), Ukrainian Village (1), UN (1), Unicorns (1), Union Square (2), Unions (1), United States (1), University of Cincinnati (1), Ursula K. LaGuin (1), USSR (1), Utah (1), Value (1), VCR (1), vegetarians (1), Verizon (1), Vermont (1), Video (1), Vietnam War (1), Violence (3), Virginia Tech (1), Visual Aids (1), Vitriol (1), Voltron (3), voting (4), Voyager (1), Wall Street (1), Walter Benjamin (1), Walter Benn Michaels (1), war crimes (1), war on drugs (1), War on Terror (1), Warhol (1), Warren Ellis. (1), Washington Post (1), weather (2), Weirdness (1), Welcome to the Interdome (7), West Side highway (1), West Virginia (1), widgets (1), Wikipedia (1), William Howard Taft (1), women (3), Woody Guthrie (1), Wordle (1), work (2), Workers (2), working class (1), workplace (1), Works Progress Administration (1), World of Warcraft (1), Writing (9), WWII (1), Xerox (1), xkcd (1), XLR8R (1), Zadie Smith (1), Zarathustra (1), Zeitgeist The Movie (1), Zelda (1), Zizek (1), zombies (2),
Wow! I sure like to write about stuff/make up words!
If I was McSweeney's, I'd totally publish this as a coffee table book, or a limited edition gold-embossed post card set, or something.
Predictions for 2012
13 years ago
1 comment:
Wow! How nice you both felt the same exact way, with only one spelling mistake between you!
It's true; the friendliest robots read Welcome to the Interdome!
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