
Angles, Operas, Flowers and Towers

Here are some pictures from New York!
(As usual, I believe all will expand upon your significant and definite click upon their displayed surface.)

Aren't the angles in this view incredible? Some of the best architectural art is the unintended, in my opinion.

This is Act Two of the scene sketches by Robert Wilson for the opera, The Civil Wars. It was up at the MOMA. More about that later, perhaps.

After a long day of activity, the flower was near the end of its life.

This is actually in Connecticut. It's the Heublein Tower. As I remarked at the time, if we didn't have the sort of crazy rich men who liked to build towers on top of hillsides for no good reason, then we might not have culture at all. At least until the Internet.

I didn't take many pictures this trip, so this is probably all that would interest you folks. Except--I do have some pictures of an abandoned college in the Harlem Valley, but those are on the "real" digital camera, so they're going to wait for another post and perhaps some proper editing.

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